Energy prices affect the competitiveness of the whole European economy. They represent on average 6% of annual household expenditure. About 2.2 million people are estimated employed in the sector across 90,000 enterprises. The EU Commission has presented regulatory proposals that aim to modernise the economy and boost investments in clean energy related sectors.
FLINN lawyers approach to energy legal and regulatory issues is down-to-earth and practical. FLINN lawyers’ experience includes: drafting the consortium agreement for establishment of a server farm/hosting facility and advising on the power supply contracts; advising on, notifying to the EU Commission and obtaining clearance for the acquisition of a major oil-refinery; advice on a national wholesale market for electricity including generation adequacy, capacity mechanisms and ancillary services and compliance with state aid rules; training on procedures for competition authority inspections (‘dawn raids’); as well as contributing to the Energy Charter Secretariat’s executive training program regarding arbitrations under the Energy Charter Treaty.