What comes to mind when you mention the word “Software”? Probably Apple, Microsoft, and these days the cyber-security software companies, for obvious reasons. Software is omnipresent and beginning to appear in less obvious places such as home appliances, furniture and cars. The digital era creates numerous legal challenges. They are related, among other things, to the privacy and the protection of (personal) data, intellectual property (apart from the traditional exclusivity rights like the copyrights and the trademark rights there is also question of legal protection for computer programs, databases, semiconductor chips, and domain names), electronic commerce, and agreements via the internet, typical ICT agreements for the development of computer programs and the supply of certain information services (‘Service Level Agreements’, cloud computing, etc.), the legal validity of the electronic signature, rules about online advertising and spam, the freedom of expression via the internet. FLINN will guide through the process to make sure your rights are respected and users respect their obligations.